12 Best Types Of Product Images For eCommerce Websites

eCommerce Product Photography Costs

In eCommerce, presenting products effectively holds the key to success. Striking images grab buyer attention like a magnet, sparking emotional connections that drive up sales.

Think about this for a second. The human brain can process graphics and images 60,000x faster than text. Not to mention, about 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. This simply means businesses have to rethink how they present their brand and their products to the world.

If you want your products to stand out, you need to create engaging visuals that capture the essence of your product. You need to invest in different types of product images that showcase your product in its best light. From flat lays to detail shots, using models and lifestyle shots, all of these strategies will help you convey a cohesive message to your customers.

In this guide, we will cover the 12 best types of product images for eCommerce websites. By understanding different types of product images, you can create stunning visuals that will help attract potential customers and turn them into loyal buyers.

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How Does Product Photography Impact Your eCommerce Business?


For eCommerce businesses, the product photography is a key element to success. Here’s why:

1. You want to create a lasting first impression

First impressions are crucial, especially if you’re running an online store. Your product images are the first thing potential customers will see. Whether they stumble upon your brand on social media or in an eCommerce platform like Amazon and eBay, how your product looks on screen attracts customers and encourages them to check out your offer.

2. You want to create a positive momentum

A stunning picture can not only create a strong and lasting initial impression but also help you gain positive momentum in your growth. If your product images are of the highest caliber, you will leave a powerful impression on each page that potential customers browse on your website. You only have one shot to impress a first-time website visitor. If you can create a positive momentum with that user, the chances are you’ll be able to convert that browser to a customer.

3. You want to showcase the unique selling points of your products

Product images should give customers an idea about the product’s features, benefits, and other aspects that make it stand out from its competitors. The right product image can help you highlight what makes your offer special and create a strong emotional connection with the audience.

4. You want to establish authenticity and professionalism

High-quality product photography portrays your brand as a professional. If your potential customer sees how you’ve taken the time to present your products in a thoughtful and visually appealing way, they’ll be more likely to trust you, which can then lead to sales.

This also improves your product’s value in the eyes of customers. High-quality product images not only help you make a good impression but also prove that your business stands behind its products and services.

5. Improves your brand identity

Product photography is the perfect way to ensure that your brand identity remains unified on different platforms. Regardless if you want a consistent look for your website or you want to establish brand awareness through social media, product photos are imperative in any visual marketing plan.

Investing in top-notch product images guarantees that customers have a consistent experience with your brand. It’s also an excellent way to ensure that people can easily recognize and remember your brand no matter where they found you.

15 Photography Composition Techniques to Improve Your Product Photos

Good photography composition is just as much an art as it is a science. In this quick guide, we’ll walk you through 15 photography composition techniques to help improve your photos.

12 Types of eCommerce Product Photography

To give your brand the attention and sales it deserves, you’ll need to create an effective product image strategy. To help you get started, here’s a comprehensive review of all types of product images you can use to market your brand.

  • Pictures with products on a model

Having a model wear your product or use it in a real-life setting helps customers visualize how they would look and feel wearing it. This type of image works best for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands, as the model can show off the products in action. Unfortunately, some brands do not use them quite enough. To showcase your product in the best possible light, you should strive to include at least three images of said item featuring a model from all angles: front, back and side. However, don’t feel limited by this as numerous approaches are available to ensure an impactful presentation. Don’t forget to include the size information as well once you publish it on your online store. Oftentimes, brands overlook the importance of providing the size and measurements for their product models. Displaying this information offers customers invaluable insight when determining what size to purchase – an absolute necessity in today’s eCommerce landscape. It is essential to be mindful of the kind of models you choose. Images that feature a product on models can appear intimidating, particularly if they possess an extraordinary or “ideal” physique. For instance, if you are a seller of sports apparel and use models who have clearly been hitting the gym regularly, customers may feel discouraged when looking at them as they will not have the same body type and thus fear wearing your products with confidence. To more accurately represent a variety of body types and maintain a lower budget, use real models with different sizes or ghost mannequin images as demonstrated below.
Pictures with products on a model
  • Images showing products on a flat surface

Flat-lay photography is a popular technique that involves placing your product on a flat surface and taking pictures from above. This type of visual works best when showcasing small items, such as jewelry, phone cases, and other accessories.

When it comes to clothing and fashion, flat-lay photography is an excellent way to capture the complete look. For example, if you are selling a shirt and jeans combo, show them in one image instead of two separate ones. Not only does this save time, but it also gives customers a better understanding of how items coordinate and fit together.

flat lay photography
  • Feature Callout Images

Ask yourself what is your products main selling point? What makes your product stand out? Feature callout pictures aim to bring out the specific traits and benefits of a product.

For instance, showing that your hoodie has a tiny print on its back or a special hidden pocket. These small details might be hard to spot in images with models or flat lays, but they can make a world of difference when shoppers decide which product to buy.

An excellent illustration of feature callout pictures is the image below. The jacket here is highlighted for its special characteristics. The materials and pull ties are showcased to emphasize their superior quality, providing evidence of craftsmanship at its finest.

product call out image

Feature callout images must be of the utmost quality for them to have an impact. Although this also applies to all product pictures, achieving the highest standards is especially crucial for feature callout visuals; otherwise, it’s best not to use them at all.

  • Lifestyle Images

Lifestyle images can spark a consumer’s imagination and show customers how the product could be used in everyday life. For example, if you are selling sports apparel, create an image that conveys how it can fit into one’s lifestyle – as pictured below. These types of images tend to do wonders for customer engagement due to their ability to evoke emotion telling a story through lifestyle images is an excellent way to show customers how well-crafted your product really is. It also encourages them to imagine themselves enjoying the product in their own life, which leads to higher purchase intent and customer loyalty. Incorporating lifestyle images into your product page is a great way to highlight how style ties in with the item. In addition, these visuals add vibrancy and can make for an enticing shopping experience if they are suited to your brand’s theme. However, if your site sells different items from numerous brands, it is difficult to create visuals that capture the essence of all of them. In this case, having a variety of stock lifestyle images can be beneficial as they are more generic yet still visually pleasing.
How to Plan and Shoot a Lookbook for your e-Commerce Store
  • User-Generated Content

Thoughtfully selected user-generated content (UGC) can be an invaluable asset to product pages. Not only does it provide customers with a variety of perspectives, but it also encourages engagement and builds trust in your brand. User-generated images are relatable as they come from real people rather than professional models, which makes them more engaging. It can also help build an emotional connection with customers, as it is a tangible demonstration of how other buyers have experienced your product. Leveraging UGC is essential if you want to maximize the potential of your product pages.
sample of review user generated content

To ensure you get high-quality user-generated content, you need to encourage your customers to send images they have. This tactic is also helpful for building a community and fostering relationships with customers. You can reward people who share content or offer incentives such as discounts to motivate them. To ensure you comply with the law, it is essential to always seek customer consent before sharing their images.

You can also run contests on social media where your fans can submit their photo entries. Not only is this strategy interactive, but also it’s a great way to get your customers to share how they love your product.

  • Product Packaging Images

Do you sell your products in a branded bag or an attractive box? Often you may display your logo and branding on the packaging. Product packaging experiences are known to build strong brand affinity. It is an effective way to showcase your brand and its unique style. It can be a great way to highlight the attention to detail you put into making your products special and attractive.

When you’re selling luxury items, product packing images are essential for presenting a luxurious look that resonates with your customers and conveys the value of the item. After all, when something’s expensive, it has to look like it’s worth every penny. Showcasing attention to detail in packaging can give customers peace of mind that what they are buying is made with quality and care.

Also, having product packaging images on your website makes it easy for customers to recognize your product when they purchase it in-store or online. This helps bolster customer loyalty which increases sales over time.

Finally, adding branded elements such as logos, colors, and patterns to product packaging images will help make them more recognizable across different platforms like social media and digital advertising campaigns.

product packaging images

How Important are Product Photography and Image Editing in eCommerce?

Image editing is also an important part of creating great product photos. Even if you have excellent photographs, they may still need to be edited to create a consistent look across your product photos. In this guide, we’ll cover the importance of product photography and image editing and give you some tips on how to get started.

  • Compatibility Images

Asking most people whether “YPbPr analog component video input” is compatible with their TVs will confuse them. This shouldn’t be an issue if you include images that display your products’ compatibility with other hardware, such as TVs, laptops, and phones. Including compatibility images on your product pages helps to reduce customer confusion when trying to make sure a product is compatible with the devices they already own. This allows customers to understand what their purchase includes and how it works with their existing equipment. Compatibility images also can help prevent returns since customers will know ahead of time if an item is compatible or not. Compatibility images also provide technical details that often cannot be conveyed in text which makes them more attractive compared to traditional specifications. Also, having visuals can help you save space on your website by condensing complex details into a single image. A well-designed compatibility chart can easily explain everything visually without taking up too much of your website’s real estate.
tv connections image
  • Images with Texture

Furniture and accessories benefit from images that show off the texture of their materials. Customers want to get a sense of how fabrics will feel or what a particular item will look like in person. Providing customers with an image that shows off the texture can help them make an informed decision while shopping. You can use textures to demonstrate different aspects, such as durability, comfort, and quality. Showing photos of items up close can also provide subtle details that words may not be able to accurately explain. For example, if you are selling leather jackets, you could use textured images to emphasize the stitching and finishings, which cannot be done through words alone. Not only can texture images help your SEO efforts, but they can also aid customers in research. By simply clicking on the image of a product, users can get more details about it and compare different items with ease. Texture visuals are also an ideal way to create branded content that can be posted on social media. By having unique images in these posts, it will make them stand out from others and capture the attention of possible consumers. Finally, including textured images can also improve customer loyalty since it allows people to form a connection with your brand and its products through visuals. People tend to remember tangible experiences better than written words alone, so presenting products in this way is sure to leave a lasting impression.
textural images
  • Size and Proportion Images

It can be difficult for customers to precisely determine the size of an object just by looking at a picture. Excellently proportioned images will make it easier for customers to accurately visualize the size of a product and how it relates to their environment. By including this information, they will be more likely to purchase a product that fits their needs.

Size and proportion images are also helpful for custom products since this allows customers to get an exact idea of what they are purchasing. This form of imagery is vital when selling furniture, as customers need to know what type of space the item would require before deciding to buy. Having a clear understanding of each item’s dimension can create trust between your business and potential customers.

image size comparison

This hand clearly shows the exact small size of the iPod Shuffle. Image Credit: Apple.

It’s wise to choose something universally recognizable when demonstrating proportions such as these. For instance, the €1 coin will only be effective if the store caters exclusively to European customers who naturally understand its size. A great way to demonstrate size and portability is by having someone hold a product in the palm of their hand. If it fits comfortably, you can confidently say that the item will fit easily into any pocket, showcasing its mobility.

Your customers may have difficulty deciding what can fit inside one measuring 18 x 10 x 6 inches. The best solution here is to shoot your product containing recognizable items such as wallets, sunglasses, or shoes for bigger sports bags.

  • Usage Inspiration Images

Inspiration images are a great way to show customers that your products can be used for various purposes. Showing the usage of an item in different settings helps potential customers visualize how they would use your product if they were to purchase it.

Using lifestyle images is great for this since it offers a unique perspective, especially when selling furniture or home décor items. If you’re selling handbags, you could also include imagery of people wearing them in different scenes and occasions. This will help customers see all the possibilities their purchase has to offer and encourage them to spark their own creativity in finding ways to use it.

Usage inspiration images offer the perfect opportunity to display various styles and colors of a product. For example, if you sell bedding sets, you could create an eye-catching image depicting your set in use within a cozy bedroom scene.

Usage Inspiration Images

This beach shot is a great example of how to use inspirational images. It’s evident that this radio isn’t just made indoors, but it’s meant to go everywhere and explore the world with you! The photo also highlights one of the product’s unique features—portability. You can take your radio not only to breathtaking beaches but also conveniently bring it onto your porch or move around in other parts of your house, as displayed in this image.

Lifestyle images are also great for bundling items in your catalog. For example, if you’re selling tops and jeans, you can do inspirational photography or lookbooks and provide suggestions to your customers on how they can get the best look with your apparel.

  • Animation

Animation adds a layer of engagement that can help bring your product to life and give customers a better sense of what they are buying. Animations can range from simple to complex depending on the product you’re trying to sell and the effect you want to achieve.

Simple animations, such as zooming into a product or spinning it at 360°, are usually enough to demonstrate its features and show customers more detail. For more complex products, such as electronics or toolkits, you can create videos to illustrate how they work.

  • White Background Product Images

White background product images are essential for giving buyers a clear and neutral view of the product. This type of photography is especially important when selling items with intricate details or accessories that need to be seen in their entirety. It’s also helpful for customers who want to inspect an item, as this kind of photo eliminates any distractions.

This type of image is often used on the product page itself, along with the product description and call to action. White background images can also be used for advertising and promotional campaigns as well, as it makes the product stand out against any other elements in an image. To give customers the best possible view of all your products, try to include multiple perspectives of each item. This will help them better envision how it looks from every angle.

A white background gives customers a sense of clarity and helps them focus on the product itself. It eliminates any distractions that may take attention away from the item and provides a more organized view of the product, which customers are looking for. For a more professional look, you should ensure that your white background has even lighting and is free from any shadows or reflections. This adds to the level of detail that can be seen in each photo and makes it easier for customers to inspect an item before making their purchase.

product photography white background

At Pixel by Hand photo editing service, we help online retailers maximize their product image production processes with our top-of-the-line background removal services. The image above is from one of our recent projects.

Let’s transform your product images!

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Pixel By Hand Product Photo Editing Service

Need help with your product photos? Pixel By Hand offers a comprehensive product photo editing service to help you create beautiful images to make your products stand out. Our team of experts can quickly and efficiently process hundreds of images with expert background removal, ghost mannequin image editing, photo retouching, and color correction techniques.

We also offer other services, such as clipping path and image masking to give your product photos the perfect finishing touch! With us on board, you don’t have to worry about any details because our professionals will take care that everything looks flawless.

We understand the value beautiful product photos can have in captivating customers and increasing conversions. Our editing services will help you craft professional-looking images that emphasize your products with maximum impact. So don’t wait any longer—contact us today to see how we can assist you in improving your product photography!


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