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Information focused on eCommerce product image editing & post-production

Website Image Size Guidelines Cheat Sheet (2024)

Website Image Size Guidelines

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This guide explores how both eCommerce images and general website images can be optimised for optimal size.

Did you know, people now look at the web more on phones than desktops? Since screens come in many sizes, picking the right image sizes for your site is key. This choice helps make sure everyone has a great time on your page, no matter their device. We’re here to share tips and guides on how to make your eCommerce product images the best they can be.

This guide will provide you with the up-to-date image size standards for ecommerce website design in 2024, allowing you to optimize your visuals and make sure they appear sharp on any device. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your images remain stunningly beautiful!

Key Takeaways


  • Image dimensions should be optimized for both desktop and mobile devices to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Proper image file size optimization is crucial for fast website loading times and improved search engine visibility.
  • Different types of eCommerce images, such as thumbnails, medium-sized product photos, and zoomable high-res images, require specific size guidelines.
  • Striking the right balance between image quality and file size is key to delivering visually appealing and fast-loading product pages.
  • Mobile-first design is essential as more people browse online on smartphones and tablets.

Let’s transform your product images!

Get started with a Free Trial of our product photo retouching service or if you have any questions simply click Ask A Question to get started.

Importance of Optimized Image Sizes in eCommerce

In ecommerce, how big or small your product images are matters a lot. It impacts user experience, how fast your pages load, and even your search ranking. So, getting your image sizes right is key to online store success.

Better User Experience

Visitors to your site want it to be enjoyable and easy to use. The right image sizes help products look good, so people can easily check them out. This leads to better choices in what to buy.

Improved Page Load Times

Fast loading sites keep visitors happy and sticking around. Big images make pages slower to load. Making these images smaller helps your site move faster.

Enhanced Search Engine Visibility

Search engines care a lot about how fast and smooth your site is. Good image sizes help your site’s speed and how it responds. This can make your store show up more in search results, attracting more visitors.

    Optimized Image Sizes in eCommerce

    In ecommerce, how big or small your product images are matters a lot. It impacts user experience, how fast your pages load, and even your search ranking. So, getting your image sizes right is key to online store success.

    Better User Experience

    Visitors to your site want it to be enjoyable and easy to use. The right image sizes help products look good, so people can easily check them out. This leads to better choices in what to buy.

    Improved Page Load Times

    Fast loading sites keep visitors happy and sticking around. Big images make pages slower to load. Making these images smaller helps your site move faster.

    Enhanced Search Engine Visibility

    Search engines care a lot about how fast and smooth your site is. Good image sizes help your site’s speed and how it responds. This can make your store show up more in search results, attracting more visitors.

      Types of eCommerce Product Images

      ecommerce perfume images

      When you shop online, various types of product pictures help you choose. These pictures make the site look good and easy to use. Let’s look at the main ones.


      Thumbnails are small versions of product photos. They let shoppers quickly see what’s available. They are usually about 100×200 or 200×200 pixels.

      Medium-Sized Images

      On product pages, medium-sized images let customers see details better. These images are best at 640 × 640 or 800 x 800 pixels.

      Zoomable High-Resolution Images

      Zoombale images make shopping more fun. They let customers see products up close. They should be about 800 x 800 or 1000 x 1000 pixels.

      360-Degree Product Views

      Some items, like clothes or home decor, benefit from 360-degree views. Interactive images let people see all sides of the product. These images are best at 4096 x 2048 pixels.

      Adding these different images helps online stores. It makes shopping better for customers, helping them choose wisely.

      eCommerce Image Size Guidelines

      Product Images

      Product images are the stars of your ecommerce website. They show your products in all their glory and help customers decide if they want to buy them. Here are the recommended dimensions and formats for product images:

      • Dimensions: The standard size for product images is usually around 1000 x 1000 pixels. This size is big enough to show details without being too large.
      • Formats: JPEG is the most common format because it provides good quality at a smaller file size. PNG is also popular, especially for images that need a transparent background. WebP is a newer format that offers even better compression and quality, but not all browsers support it yet.

      Why These Sizes and Formats? Using 1000 x 1000 pixels ensures your images are clear and detailed without being too large to slow down your site. JPEG is preferred for its balance of quality and file size, while PNG is great for images needing transparency. WebP can be used if you’re looking to optimize even further and if it’s supported by your customer’s browsers.

      Thumbnail Images

      Thumbnail images are smaller versions of your product images. They are often used in product listings, galleries, and carousels. Here’s what you need to know about thumbnail sizes:

      • Dimensions: Thumbnails are usually around 150 x 150 pixels. This size is small enough to load quickly but big enough to give customers a preview of the product.
      • Formats: JPEG is the go-to format for thumbnails because it keeps the file size small while maintaining good quality.

      Why These Sizes and Formats? Thumbnails need to be small and quick to load since they’re often used in lists and galleries. The 150 x 150 pixel size is perfect for this. JPEG is used here because it helps keep the images lightweight, ensuring your pages load faster and provide a smooth user experience.


      Striking the Right Balance: Image Quality vs File Size

      As an ecommerce merchant, finding the right mix matters. You want awesome product images. But, they must also load fast. Big, clear pictures can make your online store look great. Yet, they can slow it down and affect how search engines see it.

      Importance of Visual Appeal

      In ecommerce, images are everything. They can help or hurt a sale. Clear, detailed photos show your products well. Plus, they earn trust from your audience. Shockingly, 25% of online shops use bad images. This can stop customers from checking out products.

      Optimizing for Page Load Speed

      Having great pictures is vital. Yet, your site must load quickly too. Shopify says images should be under 20 MB. And no more than 20 megapixels. This makes sure your site runs smoothly. Also, Shopify’s system makes different image versions for faster loading on all devices.

      Finding the sweet spot between image quality and size is important. It means your store looks amazing and works well. This balance helps sell more, rank higher on search, and make your visitors happy.

      eCommerce Image Size Guidelines


      A thumbnail shows a small, clear copy of a larger image. It’s best at 100×200 or 200×200.

      Product Page Images

      For product pages, use images about 640 x 640 or 800 x 800. This helps keep the image quality good and the page fast. Shopify suggests using 2048 by 2048 pixels for square photos. This keeps them clear without slowing down the site.

      Zoomable Images

      For close-up zoom views, use 800 x 800 or 1000 x 1000 pixels. This lets customers see the product in detail.

      Background and Hero Images

      Hero images should look their best on big screens, so make them 1920×1080. Collection images on Shopify should be at least 1,600 pixels wide. They should not be too tall, so they don’t cover your products.

      For an ecommerce business, the look of your product images matters a lot. It’s key to making customers want to buy. With the right image sizes, you get sharp pictures that load quickly. This makes shopping smooth on any device.

      Choosing the best size and format for your images can boost sales and web presence.

      Next we’ll take a look at general website image sizes such as logos, banners, background images etc


      Best Image Size for Websites

      Here are some terminologies to better understand the image size guidelines:

      • Pixel width: 2500 pixels is the ideal size for extending an image to a full browser width. Anything smaller than that may run the risk of being cut off or appearing distorted if it needs to fill out the entire screen.
      • Image size: Choosing the ideal size for your images depends on their function; for instance, background images ought to be bigger than blog post photos.
      • File size: We highly recommend that you utilize images no larger than 2 megabytes for optimum website speed. Anything greater could significantly slow down your site loading time.
      • Image attribute: Although image attributes (also known as alt text or alt tags) are merely textual elements and do not influence your website’s performance, they still play a crucial role for those with visual impairments who rely on screen-reader software. For this reason, it is important to always keep these attributes in mind when designing and adding images to your website.

      Maximize your website’s aesthetic potential with this cheat sheet of optimum image sizes for desktop web pages.The most popular resolution among users is 1920 x 1080 px, so we’ve tailored the standard sizes to suit that display. Make sure your images look their finest at all times without any extra effort required on your part—just refer to our quick and easy guide before you upload anything onto the page.

      Image Type Dimensions Aspect Ratio
      Background Image 1920 x 1080 px 16:9
      Hero Image 1280 x 720 px 16:9
      Website Banner 250 x 250 px 1:1
      Blog Image 1200 x 630 px 3:2
      Logo (Rectangle) 250 x 100 px 2:3
      Logo (Square) 100 x 100 px 1:1
      Favicon 16 x 16 px 1:1
      Social Media Icons 32 x 32 px 1:1
      Lightbox Images (Full Screen) 1600 x 500 px 16:9
      Thumbnail Image 150 x 150 px 1:1


      Not only does the size of your images matter, but so does their file weight. To ensure optimal performance and speed on your website, make sure to compress all of its images.

      Types of Website Images

      Having the proper image size can make all the difference, impacting user experience and website performance while providing a boost to Search Engine Optimization. No matter what type of file you’re using for your images, having an understanding of general size specifications is critical in order to have success with your website.

      Background Image

      Incorporating a rich background image can completely transform the entire look and feel of your website. For maximum impact, these visuals should be high-quality images that are large in size and fit perfectly on the page. This will add an extra element of ‘wow’ to your brand identity without fail.

      For maximum image resolution, the pixel per inch (PPI) value should be at 72. The optimal background size is 1920px by 1080px but can go up to 2400px by 1600 or 16:9 aspect ratio. Nonetheless, your design may require a larger upper limit of 20MB; in which case it will automatically resize according to the device being used for viewing.

      Utilizing wide-angled shots will ensure that background images serve their desired purpose. However, also bear in mind to always keep the file size small without compromising quality. The smaller the file size, the faster the website will load!

      website hero image

      Hero Image Size

      Showcasing Hero images on your website can draw the attention of visitors and make for an impactful viewing experience. To get the best result, ensure that your image is sized between 1280px by 720px (16:9 aspect ratio) to 1800 px wide – allowing you to fill up either half or all of the page’s height.

      For optimal visuals and load speed, hero images should be kept at 72 pixels per inch. This ensures clarity of the image while also keeping it lightweight enough to ensure a page loading time of two seconds or fewer.

      Mobile devices are the undisputed kings of web traffic now, with almost 90% market share. If you want your hero images to display perfectly on mobile browsers, make sure they’re sized at 800px by 1200px; otherwise, content management systems will automatically scale them to fit a smaller screen size.

      website banner

      Website Banner Size

      When designing web ad banners, there are a variety of sizes to choose from. The most popular ones include vertical, portrait, leaderboard, full/half-page and square banners with the majority choosing 250px by 250px or a 1:1 aspect ratio for their image size.

      Vertical/sky scrapper banners measuring 160px by 600px are a popular choice. To ensure your banner images display properly and look their best, design them according to the specified dimensions and compress the image file size. Additionally, be sure to keep the focal point of your image towards the center in order to avoid any cropping on mobile devices.

      When designing banner images for mobile devices, use ratios of 1:9, 1:1, or 4:5 to optimize the visuals. Make sure that image file sizes don’t exceed 20MB without sacrificing clarity and quality.

      website blog image size

      Blog Image Size

      When adding visuals to your blog, always keep in mind that these images should be optimized for sharing on social media channels. Typically, the optimal size for blog graphics is 3:2 aspect ratio or 1200px by 630px. For landscape format photos, a suggested resolution is 1200px by 900px; meanwhile portrait format works best when sized at 900px by 1200px.

      For a faster-loading blog, you should upload high-quality images with small file sizes; 150KB is the upper limit. Additionally, ensure that your images are 72ppi and centered on the focus area so that your CMS can easily adjust their size as needed.

      website company logo

      Logo Size

      As the visual representation of a brand and its contents, logos are essential features for any website. Logos can either be placed in the top left corner or center at the top of a page. It is recommended to upload logo images as square ratio 1:1 or rectangle format 2:3 for optimal resolution and clarity on webpages.

      For logo files, the PNG format is suggested due to its transparency that allows it to seamlessly blend into any website. For desktops, logos should have a maximum height of 100px regardless of the width.

      Favicon Size

      Favicons are small, iconic images that represent a website in the browser tab. Favicons need to be optimized for display on different types of devices; it should small enough not to take up too much space but large enough to still be recognizable.

      Favicons for websites should always have a 1:1 aspect ratio, typically in sizes of 16px by 16px or 32px by 32px. This is what all browsers will use to display favicons appropriately; however, if you don’t want the image stretched on larger screens, additional images with a perfect square aspect ratio are recommended. ICO and PNG are the most recommended image formats for creating a favicon for the best cross-browser results.

      Best eCommerce Platform for Small Businesses

      With an overwhelming number of choices, it is difficult to decide which platform is best for your business. In this guide, we have compiled a list of the best eCommerce platforms for small businesses in 2023.

      Best Image Formats for Web

      Here are the most popular image formats you can choose from for web optimization.

      • JPEG: JPEG is known as the best format for photographs, due to its superior compression capabilities and good color quality. It supports 8-bit RGB images which allows it to produce smooth gradients and sharp lines without introducing any artifacts into the image.
      • PNG: PNG is recommended for graphics with a transparent background such as logos, icons, and illustrations as it supports full-color images with an alpha channel. It also offers better compression than JPEG but can lead to larger file sizes.
      • GIF: GIFs are mostly used for simple animations or images with limited colors such as icons and logos. It supports up to 256 colors and can support animations, making it a good choice for short web clips.
      • SVG: SVG files are vector-based which means they’re resolution independent and allow you to scale images without losing quality or clarity. They also provide better compression than other image formats, making them suitable for logos, icons, and illustrations with complex shapes.
      • WebP: WebP is an image format that offers better compression than other formats and even supports animation. It’s supported by most modern browsers but has limited support for older versions.

      Mobile Image Size Recommendations

      For a smooth mobile experience, all images on your website should be designed to fit both desktop and mobile versions. Failure to do so can lead to distorted visuals if the image size is too large for smaller screens. To ensure clarity when scaling down, make sure that you set the correct dimensions while creating or editing an image.

      Images with a 1:1 aspect ratio will display flawlessly on mobile devices, but there may be some cropping of images that use an 16:9 or 3:2 aspect ratios. Thus, when creating responsive images it is best to keep the focus area in the center for optimal viewing on all device types.

      Why is Image Size Important for Websites?

      When it comes to websites, image size matters for an array of reasons: user experience, page speed and ranking. Poorly sized images can detrimentally affect all three metrics simultaneously. The best way to make sure you are optimizing these factors is by employing the optimal sizes on your website with each individual use case in mind. This will help maximize all three at once.

      Improves user experience

      Having correctly sized images for every situation increases the user experience by making it easier to view without needing to zoom in or scroll down. This provides a much more pleasing viewing and navigation experience.

      Also, if users are able to identify the focus area of a photo easily, they can get an overall better understanding of the content and its message which will ultimately lead them to a more positive website experience.

      Improves website page speed

      When images on your website are large file sizes, the server is compelled to take more time loading a user’s page. This outcome is what experts call “contentful paint” in image SEO lingo. Fortunately, by downsizing pictures (mainly their files size), you can ensure that your pages load up quickly and seamlessly for all users regardless of device type.

      By reducing the size of images on your website, you can greatly improve page speed and ensure that users don’t get frustrated when browsing through your webpages.

      Improves website ranking

      Website ranking is an indicator of your site’s overall performance and visibility, with higher rankings associated with a greater online presence. Specifically, it can showcase how close to the top (or even peak!) of search engine results pages your webpage appears when someone searches for particular terms.

      To determine the content that appears at the top of its search engine rankings, Google utilizes a variety of metrics in its algorithm. At present, image quality and user experience are among those metrics considered.

      How to Find Out Image Sizes for your Website?

      With the wide range of website creation platforms, from WordPress to Shopify, Wix and Squarespace, designing a distinctive site comes with the challenge of selecting images in recommended sizes for optimal performance.

      Designing a website with the appropriate image dimensions can be intimidating. But don’t worry, here are some helpful tips to ensure you find the correct size for standard platforms:

      Shopify Themes

      • Shopify allows users to upload images of up to 4472px by 4472px, with a limit of 20MB per image at 72dpi.
      • The minimum size required for product images on Shopify is 800px by 800px.
        Check if your Shopify theme comes with a guide to the recommended image sizes.

      Here’s our quick guide to Shopify Image Guidelines to learn more about the optimal sizes for your Shopify store.

      WordPress Themes

      • The recommended size for WordPress featured images is 1024px by 1024px to ensure that it looks great on all devices.
      • Most WordPress themes have a full documentation file that helps users find the best image sizes for the theme.
      • If you changed the image size to suit your design and display, make a note of it.

      Here’s our quick guide to WooComerce Image Guidelines to learn more about the optimal sizes for your WooCommerce store.

      Custom Websites

      • When hiring a custom-built website developer, it’s important to ask for documentation that outlines the best image sizes. Doing so helps ensure your website looks professional and functions properly.
      • “To quickly and efficiently find the dimensions of a picture on Google Chrome, right-click it then select “Inspect Element.” The required measurements will be clearly visible as highlighted within the code.

      How can Product Photo Editing Services Help Optimize Your Images?

      Product photo editing services can help optimize the images used on your website. Professional product photo editors are experienced and knowledgeable on the requirements of different platforms and can adjust your images to the right size, format, and quality.

      Through product photo editing services, you can ensure that the images used on your website are of optimal size, resolution and quality. This way, users will appreciate the clarity and better un-compressed images, leading to an improved user experience.

      Ediitng services can enhance all aspects of images including color balance, contrast levels and backgrounds. These adjustments will ultimately help make them look more professional and showcase your brand in a positive light. Once edited by experienced professionals, all you have to do is upload them onto your site with ease.

      By using professional product photo editing services, you can be assured that all of the images used on your website are optimized for maximum user experience and page speed optimization. This will ultimately result in better rankings and higher visibility online, leading to more web traffic and potential sales conversions.

      At Pixel by Hand, our team of experienced product photo editors and graphic designers will work with you to create professional, high-quality images tailored for your website. We’ve worked with hundreds of eCommerce brands worldwide and we guarantee the best quality images for your website.

      Our list of product image editing services include: background removal, clipping path clipping masking, eCommerce photo retouching, shadow creation, color correction, ghost mannequin services, and more. We also provide detailed tutorials that help customers understand how to use their edited images on different platforms.

      So whether you’re using Shopify, WordPress or custom-built websites, Pixel by Hand is here to make sure your website looks professional and functions properly. Contact us today in the chatbox below! Avail our FREE trial today.

      Let’s transform your product images!

      Get started with a Free Trial of our product photo retouching service or if you have any questions simply click Ask A Question to get started.

      Let’s Get Started Today. It's Free!

      Send us a selection of your current images and we will show you how we can improve them.
      All our sample images are completely Free.