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Photo Color Correction: How to Fix Discoloration in Product Photos

How to Fix Discoloration in Product Photos

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Most eCommerce businesses struggle with return rates. A recent study demonstrated that 11% of shoppers would send back products because their color was not ‘true to life’, which exposes a potential financial risk for brands. If your product images don’t match up with reality, returns can quickly add up and cost you dearly. Clearly, your product photos and editing them accordingly can impact your sales.

In this guide, we will break down the process of how to fix discolored parts of images in Photoshop or other photo editing tools. We will also explain the importance of color correction and why a reputable eCommerce photo editing service like Pixel by Hand can be a lifesaver!

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Why are My Product Photos Discolored?

Discoloration can happen due to varied reasons, yet the most frequent culprit is an absence of white balance. White balancing is the art of adjusting your photo’s colors for a more genuine look and feel. If you have an incorrect white balance, your product images will probably have a yellow or orange tint.

Another cause of digital image discoloration is incorrect lighting position. If your source of light is too far away or not directed correctly, it can create a light that is insufficiently bright to reflect the colors accurately. This also results in dull-looking product photographs.

Brands that rely on natural lighting due to budget restraints can also suffer from discolored images. If your natural lighting is not consistent, it can lead to discoloration and unevenness in the color of your product photos.

Lastly, discoloration in product photography can occur when the product is photographed on a color-inaccurate background. If the background of your image isn’t white or neutral (ie, grey), it will taint the colors of whatever is behind it.

How Do I Fix Color Discoloration in Photoshop?

Fixing discoloration in Photoshop or any other photo editing software is a straightforward process. You’ll need to adjust the image’s white balance and exposure levels, and then make small adjustments to the colors.

To get started with your color correction, begin by opening up the image in Photoshop and selecting “Image” from the menu bar. Next, click “Adjustments” and select “White Balance.” This will open up a box where you can adjust the white balance settings. Here, you can choose from auto-white balancing or manual white balancing options.

Once you have adjusted the white balance to your liking, it’s time to move onto exposure levels. Again, go to the “Adjustments” menu and select “Exposure.” Here, you can adjust the exposure settings for shadows and highlights.

Lastly, it’s time to make small adjustments to the colors. Go to the “Adjustments” menu and select “Color Balance.” Select a tone (shadows, mid-tones, or highlights) and adjust the colors until you feel it looks right. You should also experiment with various hues, saturation, and luminosity levels to get the desired look.

This is a basic guide to fixing discoloration in Photoshop or other photo editing tools. There are many more advanced techniques that can be used to improve your product photos even further, but this should give you a solid foundation for getting started.


removing sun glare

How Do I Remove Sun Glare in Product Photos?

If you are shooting reflective products like cars and jewelry, you may need to remove sun glare from the image. Sun glare is a common issue that can make your car product photographs look less appealing, and it often requires more advanced editing techniques than fixing discoloration.

Removing sun glare in product photos can be tricky, as it requires some technical expertise. A good way to start is using the “Levels” tool in Photoshop or any other photo editing program.

Using the Levels tool, you can adjust the contrast and brightness levels until you find the correct balance. You’ll want to try and make the highlight areas lighter while maintaining some detail in other areas of the image. Once you have the desired results, you can adjust the mid-tones or use a curves adjustment layer to refine the contrast further.

How Do You Remove Blemishes?

If you’re managing an online fashion store, you’re probably working with a model to showcase your products. In these cases, it’s important to ensure the model’s skin looks flawless in every product photograph. Removing blemishes is essential for achieving a professional look and each image looks its best.

The best way to remove blemishes from an image is by using the “Healing Brush” tool in Photoshop or other photo editing software. The Healing Brush allows you to select a blemish and then “stamp” it with a texture of your choice. This will help you seamlessly remove any unwanted skin imperfections without altering the surrounding areas of the image.

You can also use the clone stamp tool to copy and paste a piece of clean skin over any blemishes or use the spot healing brush to smooth out the area automatically. However, these methods can sometimes leave visible artifacts on the model’s skin, so it’s important to be careful and precise when using them.

How to Do Color Changes in Product Photos?

Do you have multiple color variations of the same image? Organizing a photoshoot for each variant can be a hassle, not to mention expensive! Fortunately, you can easily use color correction tools to fix color changes in photos.

Color changing is a process that can help you cut back on expenses for photoshoots. Instead of reshooting a variant for an existing product, you can simply change the color in Photoshop and save time and money. With the right color tools, you can quickly match the look of product photos without any hassle.

Using the “Selective Color” tool in Photoshop, you can select and change specific colors in an image. This allows you to quickly adjust color variations without taking multiple product photographs.

To get started, open up your image in Photoshop and navigate to the “Adjustments” menu. Select the “Selective Color” option and choose a color from the drop-down menu. Once you have selected a color, you can adjust its hue, saturation, and luminosity levels until it matches your desired look.

Pixelation is often caused by over-cropping an image, using a low-resolution photo, or using the digital zoom feature if you are using a smartphone camera. Brands that choose to do things in-house in product photo editing suffer from this issue more due to the lack of professional photography equipment and experience.

How Do I Fix Pixelation in Product Photos?

If you’re dealing with pixelation in your product photos, there are several tools you can use to reduce or remove it completely. The best way to fix pixelation is using the “Smart Sharpen” tool in Photoshop or any other photo editing program. This tool allows you to adjust the image’s sharpness and clarity until you get the desired results.

Another technique is to use a blur filter to reduce the appearance of pixelation without affecting other areas of the image. If you’re using Photoshop, open up your photo and go to the “Filter” menu. Select “Blur” and choose one of the blur options based on your needs. This will help soften the pixelated areas of your image, making them look more natural. However, if you’re an eCommerce brand, this might not be a suitable option since it can affect the detail of your product.

Once you have achieved the desired look, you may want to refine the contrast further. This can be done with Photoshop’s “Levels” tool by adjusting the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows until they match your vision. You should adjust the brightness and contrast until the image looks its best.

7 Essential Steps in any Post-Processing Workflow

n this article, we will discuss the seven essential steps in any post-processing workflow and explain what the minimum is.

Should You Color Correct Photos?

Definitely, yes! Color correcting your product photos can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your images. Many professional photographers color-correct their photos to ensure that they match the desired vision and that each image looks its best.

One of the most important measurements for eCommerce businesses is their return rate. Of course, there are numerous reasons why a customer would return a purchase. However, color inaccuracy tops the list. By making sure your digital photos are correctly colored to reflect the real deal, you can ensure your customers get what they expect.

Color correction also adds to that professional vibe that can attract more customers to your brand. After all, people tend to trust businesses that present their products in the best possible light; color-correcting your photos can help you achieve that.

Ensuring that your website and your product images are professional looking can create a positive impression on customers. If you have taken the time to make things look perfect, the higher value they will assign to your brand. This will, in return, result to sales and better customer retention rate.

How Do You Color Correct a Picture?

Color correcting a product image requires a photo editing program like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. These tools are used by professional photo editors like Pixel by Hand to make sure each product photo looks its best.

We have discussed the steps on how to color-correct product images in one of our previous blog articles: How Color Correcting your Product Photos Can Significantly Reduce Your eCommerce Return Rates.

However, we do understand that most eCommerce businesses, especially startups, have a tight schedule and limited manpower to keep up with the demands. Setting up your online store, uploading your products, and marketing them already require a lot of time and dedication.

If you are struggling to keep up with the demands of product photo editing, we highly recommend that you outsource it to professionals. At Pixel by Hand, we provide high-quality image editing services that can help improve the overall look of your product photos.

Outsourcing your product image editing needs to a professional can benefit you in ways like:

  • Save time and effort—As mentioned, product photo editing can take a lot of time. Outsourcing it to professionals can save you the hassle of having to do it manually.
  • No need to purchase licenses for Photoshop and other editing tools—Professional services provide the latest version of Photoshop or Lightroom, so you don’t need to purchase licenses for them.
  • Gain access to skilled professionals—You will have access to professional photo editing experts who know how to make your product photos look their best. And since they’ve had years of experience in the industry, you can feel confident to receive the same level of output each and every time you order.

What Is Color Matching Service and Why Is It Best For Your Business?

In this guide, we will cover all the key aspects of color-matching services and how businesses can benefit from them. We will discuss why accuracy in colors is so important and how businesses can leverage this service to optimize their product visuals, packaging, and processes. Let’s go!

Pixel By Hand Photo Color Correction Services

Pixel by Hand has been working with top-tier eCommerce brands around the world in providing color correction services for product photos. Our team of digital imaging professionals are well-versed in industry standards, utilizing the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom to ensure that each photo is edited perfectly.

We understand how important it is to get your digital images right; thus, we guarantee exceptional output within a day or two. Our product photo editing services also include:

  • Background Removal—We can easily take out the background of any image so you can add in a new, white background.
  • Clipping Path Services—We can perfectly separate your product from the background to create an outline and isolate it.
  • Shadow Making—If you need to add shadows to your product images, we can do that too!
  • Image Retouching—We can retouch your product images to make sure they look perfect before you upload them on your website.
  • Ghost Mannequin Services—We can make your product stand out by adding a ghost mannequin effect to it.

At Pixel by Hand, we aim to help eCommerce businesses achieve their goals with beautiful product photos. If you are interested in learning more about our services or want to try our FREE TRIAL, reach out to us in the chatbox below.

Let’s transform your product images!

Get started with a Free Trial of our product photo retouching service or if you have any questions simply click Ask A Question to get started.

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