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How to Photograph White Products on White Backgrounds for E-commerce

product photography white background

Super photos of products **wow** shoppers right away. Online shops **work** to pull in keen buyers.

In fashion, a white background is best suitable for products like shirts, pants, and shoes. The color white represents purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. It makes the product being photographed the center of attention and allows for easy editing later on.

The white background is also preferable for accessories like pieces of jewelry, bags, and watches. This helps highlight the details of your products and makes them look more expensive.

If you are running an online store on Amazon or your own website, or if you are simply looking to spruce up the photos on your company website, there are some basic tips and tricks you should follow when photographing white products on a white background. With a little bit of know-how, you can make your products look their best and really boost your bottom line.

In this guide, the Pixel by Hand Image Editing team has listed down a few tips to help you ace your DIY product photography on a white background.

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White Background Product Photography


According to studies, 65% of the population are visual learners. This implies that visual information, such as photographs, affects their thoughts more than written words.

Product photography is one of the most important elements in any e-commerce website or online store. It can make or break a sale and is often the deciding factor for customers when trying to choose between similar products.

In short, if your product photos are bad, people are less likely to buy from you. But, on the other hand, if they’re amazing, you’ll see a significant boost in your conversion rate.

There are many different ways to style product photos. You can choose to photograph your products on a white background, against a colored background, in a natural setting, or even in lifestyle shots.

When it comes to product photography on a white background, the goal is to make the product itself stand out as much as possible. Here are some quick tips:

1. Go for a seamless look
Achieving a professional-looking, seamless product photo is all about paying attention to the details. Make sure that there are no creases or wrinkles in your backdrop, and that your product is at the center of your frame.

2. Use diffused lighting
Taking pictures with a flash can often create harsh shadows that can ruin an otherwise great photo. To avoid this, use diffused lighting instead. You can achieve diffused lighting by using a light tent, shooting outdoors on an overcast day, or using a studio light with a softbox attachment.

3. Invest in a quality camera
While you can technically get away with using your smartphone to take product photos, the quality will never be as good as it would be if you used a DSLR or mirrorless camera. If you’re serious about white background product photography, invest in a quality camera that will allow you to shoot in RAW format. This format type has the most flexibility when it comes to editing your photos later on.

4. Shoot in RAW
It is important to shoot in this RAW if you want to have the most control over your final image. RAW files are unprocessed and contain all of the data captured by your camera’s sensor. This is the most flexible file format which makes post-processing easier.

5. Use a white balance preset
If you’re shooting in RAW format, you’ll be able to adjust the white balance of your photo in post-processing. However, if you’re shooting in JPEG format, it’s best to get the white balance right in the camera. To do this, simply select the white balance preset that best matches your lighting situation.

5. Edit your photos
Once you’ve taken your photos, it’s time to edit them. Some of the post-production techniques required to achieve the perfect look for your product photo on a white background are entirely different than those used for pictures with other backgrounds.

For example, when editing a photo with a white background, you’ll need to avoid over-exposing the image or blow out the highlights. You’ll also want to increase the contrast and clarity to make sure your product really pops.

Last but not least, you’ll need to pay special attention to the white balance. If your photo has a yellow or green tint, you can use the white balance tool in your editing software to correct it.

These are just some of the basic steps required to achieve a great-looking product photo on a white background. However, if you really want your photos to stand out, it’s worth investing in some professional post-processing services.

White Background Product Photography

Why Use White Background Product Photography?

White background is greatly preferred in product photography due to the following:

White background makes your products look more expensive
If you’re selling high-end products, white background product photography can make them look even more luxurious and expensive. This type of photography creates a clean and modern look that is very visually appealing.

White background makes your products look more professional
If you’re selling products that need to look professional (such as software or other business-related items), white background product photography can give them the clean and polished look that they need.

White background is versatile
Another great thing about white background product photography is that it’s incredibly versatile. These product photos can be used across all marketing channels–from your online store website to your social media accounts.

White Background Photos Are Easier to Edit
You may think that white background product photography sounds like a lot of work. However, the truth is that these types of photos are actually much easier to edit than photos with other backgrounds.

This is because you don’t have to worry about masking out the background to make changes–you can simply make your adjustments to the product itself. This can save you a lot of time and frustration in the editing process.

It’s Easier to Switch White Background to Colored
If you’re starting out with white background product photography but eventually want to move to color photos, it’s quite easy to transition. Simply add a colored background in post-processing and voila! You’ve got a beautiful color photo.

How to Create a Product Photography Guideline

Before you start taking photos, you need to have a set of guidelines first. These will help you and your team understand what kind of photos you need, how to take them, and the technical requirements for each type of photo.

Your guidelines will also help maintain a consistent brand look and feel across all your product photos. This helps build a strong brand presence but ensures you exude quality.

Creating a product photography guideline doesn’t have to be complicated–in fact, it can be as simple as creating a list of the types of photos you need and providing a few examples of each.

Here’s a quick overview of what your product photography guideline should include:

A list of the types of photos you need. For example:

  • Product photos on a white background
  • Product photos on a colored background
  • Modeled product photos
  • Lifestyle product photos

The technical requirements for each type of photo. For example:

  • What size should the images be?
  • What resolution do they need to be?
  • How should they be cropped?
  • Do the images need to be retouched or edited in any way?

By including these elements in your product photography guideline, you’ll be able to ensure that all of your photos are consistent and meet your brand’s standards.

What Equipment Should You Use for Product Photography?

You don’t need a lot of fancy, expensive equipment to take great product photos. In fact, if you’re just starting out, you can probably get by with the gear you already have.

That said, there are a few pieces of basic product photography equipment that can make your life a lot easier, including:

  1. White Background: You can use a white poster board or foam core to create a simple white background. If you’re taking a volume of photos, you might want to invest in a collapsible backdrop stand.
  2. LightBox or Light Tent: A lightbox or light tent is a great way to diffuse harsh lighting and avoid shadows.
  3. Lights and Bulbs: You’ll need some kind of light source to take your photos. If you’re on a budget, a couple of desk lamps with daylight-balanced CFL bulbs may do. As you get more into product photography, you may want to invest in some higher-end studio lights.
  4. Tripod: A tripod will help you keep your camera steady and avoid blurry photos.
  5. Remote Shutter Release: A remote shutter release allows you to take photos without touching your camera, which can help reduce camera shake.
  6. Shooting Table: A shooting table gives you a flat, steady surface to put your products on. It’s especially helpful if you’re taking photos of small items.
  7. Digital Camera or Smartphone: Of course, you’ll need a camera to take your photos. For startups, you can use your smartphone. But, if you’re serious about product photography, you’ll want to invest in a digital camera with manual controls.

These are just some of the equipment options available to you. As you get more into product photography, you can experiment with different gear to see what works best for you and your budget.

 Shoot Your Products on a White Background

How to Shoot Your Products on a White Background

Shooting on a white background can be tricky, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to get the hang of it. Here are a few photography tips from the pros to get your started with your shoot on a white background.

Step #1: Pick Your Lighting
Lighting is very important in product photography, especially when you’re shooting on a white background. If your lighting is too harsh, it will create shadows that can be difficult to eliminate in post-processing. If your lighting is too soft, your product may look flat and uninteresting.

There are two options to go about lighting: natural light and studio lights.
When working with natural light, try to shoot near a window on an overcast day. This will give you the soft, diffused light you need to avoid shadows. If you don’t have an overcast day available, you can use a white sheet or reflector to diffuse the light.

When using studio lights, you’ll want to set up two lights on either side of your product, pointing at it from a 45-degree angle. This will help to avoid shadows and give your product an even, balanced look.

Step #2: Set Up Your Background
Once you’ve picked your lighting, it’s time to set up your background. If you’re using a white poster board or foam core, tape it to a wall or door so it doesn’t move around while you’re taking your photos.

If you’re using a collapsible backdrop stand, set it up in a spot where you have plenty of room to shoot. Then, drape your white fabric over the frame and smooth it out so there are no wrinkles.

Step #3: Set Up Your Product
Now it’s time to set up your product. If you’re using a shooting table, place your product in the center of the table. If you’re not using a shooting table, choose a spot on your background where you can place your product without it falling over.

Once you’ve found the perfect spot, use tape or Blu Tack to secure your product in place. This will help you avoid blurry photos caused by camera shake.

If you’re shooting small products, you may want to use a macro lens to get close-up shots. Alternatively, you can move your camera closer to your product until it fills the frame.

Step #4: Set Up Your Tripod
Now it’s time to set up your tripod. If you don’t have a tripod, now is the time to invest in one. A tripod will help you avoid camera shakes and blurry photos.

When setting up your tripod, make sure the legs are fully extended and that the tripod is level. Then, place your camera on the tripod and make sure it’s securely attached.

Once your tripod is set up, extend the center column and position the camera so it’s pointing down at your product. If you have a remote shutter release, attach it to your camera and use it to take your photos. This will help you avoid camera shakes.

If you don’t have a remote shutter release, you can use the self-timer on your camera. Just set the timer for two seconds and press the shutter button. This will give you enough time to press the button and get your hand out of the way before the photo is taken.

Step #5: Make Sure Your Camera Settings Are Right
Now that your product is set up and your tripod is in place, it’s time to take a few test shots. First, check your camera settings. You’ll want to make sure your ISO is set to 200 to 800 and that your aperture is between f/4.5 to f/7.1.

If you’re using a DSLR camera, you’ll also want to set your white balance. The best white balance setting for product photography is usually daylight or shade.

Once you’ve set your camera settings, take a few test shots and check the results. If your photos are too dark, increase your ISO. If they’re too bright, decrease your ISO. If they’re too blurry, increase your aperture.
Once you’ve found the perfect settings, it’s time to start taking photos of your product.

Step #6: Take Your Photos
Now that your product is all set up, it’s time to start taking photos. If you’re using a digital camera, set it to manual mode to have full control over the exposure.

Start by taking a few test shots to get the perfect exposure. Then, start shooting your product from different angles. Be sure to get a variety of close-up shots and wide shots.

If you’re using a smartphone, there are a few apps that will give you manual control over the camera settings. Once you’ve found the perfect exposure, start taking your photos.

Here are a few more tips:

  • Take test shots: Test shots are important because they help you get the perfect exposure for your product photos.
  • Don’t Delete Images until you’ve seen them all on your computer: It’s easy to get excited and delete photos that you think are bad. But, resist the urge to do this! Many times, a photo that looks bad on the camera LCD screen will look great on a computer monitor.
  • Take Plenty of Photos from Different Angles: It’s important to take plenty of photos from different angles. This will give you a variety of images to choose from when you’re editing your photos.
  • Highlight Product Details: When taking close-up shots, be sure to highlight the details of your product. This will help potential customers see your product’s quality.
  • Let Your Product Features Shine: When taking photos of your product, be sure to let the features shine. This will help potential customers see what makes your product special.

Bonus Tip for Large Products

If you’re photographing a large product, be sure to get some photos that show the entire product. This will help potential customers see the size and scale of your product.

Product Image Retouching by Pixel by Hand

These are a few tips to help you take great product photos. If you follow these tips, you’ll be sure to get high-quality photos that will help sell your products.

Once you have completed your shoot, it’s time to move to post-production. Product image retouching is an important part of the product photography process. Technically, photo retouching is the art of manipulating digital images to create the desired effect. This can be anything from removing blemishes and imperfections to adding contrast and color.

There are a few different ways to retouch photos. You can do it yourself using photo editing software like Photoshop, or you can hire a professional retoucher to help you save a lot of time and get better results.

Hiring professional image editors can guarantee you great results, as they have years of experience and know what it takes to make a photo look perfect. At Pixel by Hand, we offer professional product image retouching services. Our editors can help you with post-processing from removing blemishes to adding shadows and reflections. We also provide background removal services, clipping path services, and photo retouching services for ecommerce sites.

If you’re not happy with your product photos, we can help. Contact us today or use the chatbox below to learn more about our product image retouching services.

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