Ecommerce Image Editing Examples That Make Your Products Pop! –

The Best Techniques

ecommerce image editing examples

You’ve wrapped up your product photo shoot. Now it’s time for **post-production**, an *essential* phase.

**Pay attention here** if you want your images to pop on your eCommerce site. You’ve spent hours snapping those shots, haven’t you? Make sure they **shine brilliantly**. *Enhance them*, and watch your photos steal the spotlight!

So what are the key techniques in which you can edit your images ready for eCommerce?

1) Photoshop RAW Corrections

2) Retouching

3) Color Adjustments

4) Making Your File & Alignment

5) Product Shadows

6) Resizing & Cropping

7) Additional Editing Techniques (Depending on your product)

Let’s Look At Our eCommerce Image Editing Examples In More Detail:


1) Photoshop Raw Corrections

photoshop raw correction


This technique only applies if you shoot in RAW format. This preliminary step allows you to make some tweaks to your images prior to the major changes.

It allows you to make bulk changes to all images in the same way. Whether you want to adjust colors and tones using the white balance eyedropper tool, increase exposure using the exposure tool to brighten or darken things.

There are many options available in Adobe Photoshop that will save you time further down the line.


2) Retouching

bag photo retouching


The purpose of this step is to remove any unwanted spots, hairs, dust etc that you may have missed prior to taking your shots. These are common issues with fashion items. This can be quite a time-consuming process as you need to perform the retouching on each image individually.

3) Color Adjustments

color adjustments

Some color adjustments may have been made in the first step. You can go the extra mile by making a few more adjustments to each image individually. This can be slightly difficult to learn initially, but once you have the knack then this extra step can really make your images look great. It’s always a good idea to compare your adjustments before and after just to see how much the images changed.

4) Making Your File & Alignment

 Whether you are posting your images on your own site or onto one of the many e-commerce marketplaces. You will want to set the maximum dimensions available when creating your file. If you do, then your shots will look the biggest and best when viewed by potential customers. You need to create a guide to contain your product within, so that your product images will stay aligned consistently.

5) Product Shadows

shoe photo editing

Product Shadows really allow your product to stand out. Shadows give great depth to any product image, they also give it a base.

Once these five steps have been completed you can then save your file. It’s always best to save a PSD file so that you have an original backup if required. You then need to save a jpg file for you to use on your web store.

6) Resizing & Cropping

photoshop resizing and cropping

Depending on the needs of your website you will need to ensure that all your images are consistently the same size and that the products within each image remian the same size. Even some of the best product photography require some resizing or cropping to take place.

7) Additional Image Editing Methods

invisible mannequin image editing technique

The product or industry you work in will have it’s own particular methods when it comes to image editing. These are numerous and impossible to cover here. It is important to consider what your competitors already do in your niche with regards to image appearance. You can then apply these techniques to your own products if you feel it will be beneficial. It’s also important to consider other industries and how their methods could be used in your own.

An example of an additional image editing method in fashion e-commerce would be the invisible mannequin method. This is used to display fashion clothing in a more natural appearance that takes the shape of a mannequin. Two product shots are needed with and without the mannequin so that the back of the clothing can be digitally stitched in. The final result shows the shape of the garment without an unsightly mannequin remaining. The image above demonstrates this.

What Image Editing Software Should I Use?

adobe photoshop for free image editing


We have already discussed this more in depth in a previous article. It is however important to know the software we will use as a starting point. There are a number of suitable image editing software packages available to carry out post-production work. Only a few will give you the very best results that you should aim for.

We prefer to use Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements for our image editing work. It is quite simply the best image editing tool available for this type of work.

It’s important to note that Photoshop can be quite demanding to learn when compared to other photo editing packages.

About Pixelbyhand


We are a professional product photo editing service. We work with businesses across the globe perfecting their images for eCommerce websites.

If you run an online business and would like to improve on your current product images then complete the simple form below. (We will only use your email to contact you directly regarding any inquiry you make. We promise to never send you spam or any unwanted mail).


Send us a selection of your current images and we will show you how we can improve them.
All our sample images are completely Free.