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Amazon’s Product Image Requirements (A Quick Guide)

amazon image guidelines

Amazon sits at the top as a **giant** in online shopping. In 2022, it brought in an amazing **£469.822 billion in revenue**, which is a 21.7% jump from 2020. This fantastic feat boils down to the **simplicity and ease** that they provide for customers.

One key feature that sets Amazon apart from other online retailers is the quality and quantity of product images that are available for each listing. On Amazon, a customer can view an almost unlimited number of images for every product, which helps them make an informed decision about their purchase.

Many online sellers have started their venture on Amazon. If you’re looking to start a business with a small capital, you will find Amazon to be a very lucrative platform. It doesn’t require you much to invest to launch a store as listing fees are relatively low. Individual sellers do not need to pay anything until something sells. A Professional Seller account is only $39.99 a month, and it gives you access to some powerful selling tools when you’re ready to advance and start competing.

Amazon is also one of the best places to sell if you’re looking for global exposure for your product. It’s a huge marketplace catering to both local and international shoppers. Your products are automatically exposed to their massive customer base, which gives you a much better chance of making a sale.

To become a successful Amazon seller, you need to maintain a level of customer experience. Everything should be of the highest quality, from your product listing to customer support. Your product images play a vital role as they are one of the first things a potential customer will see when they come across your listing. This is why Amazon has very strict requirements for the images that sellers can use.

In order to keep the quality high and the customer experience consistent, Amazon has strict requirements for all the images that are uploaded to their site. In this article, we will go over some of the most important Amazon image requirements that you need to be aware of.

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Tips for Optimizing Amazon Product Images

When it comes to product photography, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to take high-quality pictures that will meet Amazon’s standards.

  • Follow Amazon’s Technical Image Requirements

When creating new product pages or updating existing ones, you must adhere to Amazon’s image standards and other technical criteria. Even if you have the greatest product photos, Amazon will not accept your listings and images if you don’t comply with them.

Amazon Product Image Guidelines

Amazon has very strict product image guidelines that all sellers must follow. These guidelines are in place to ensure that all images meet a certain level of quality and consistency. Here are some of the most important Amazon image requirements.

  • Product images must be at least 1000px tall or wide or at least 1600px tall or wide. You can’t go any higher than 10,000 pixels. If you do exceed, you will need to resize them without decreasing quality.
  • The image must be clear and professional looking. This means the image should be free of blurriness, graininess, or pixelation.
  • The product should fill 85% or more of the image. The remaining 15% or less can be used to show the background, context, or surroundings of the product.
  • Cropped or close-up photos are acceptable.
  • The image should be shot against a pure white background. Amazon does not allow any other color backgrounds. However, they do allow environments for background.
    Shadows in the image should be minimal. If present, they should only appear at the bottom of the image and should not obscure any product details.
  • Reflections should be avoided as much as possible. If they are present, they should be minimal and not obscure any product details.
  • Text and demonstrative graphics are allowed.
  • The image should not contain any extraneous objects that are not part of the product.
  • The image should be of just the product and not a group photo containing multiple products.
  • Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.
  • Images should not be altered in any way, such as through the use of filters or Photoshop. Any editing must be minor and should only be used to improve the quality of the image (for example, removing a few stray hairs from the product).

Amazon Product Image Specs

Product images submitted to Amazon must meet the following technical specifications.

  • TIFF (.tif/.tiff), JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg), GIF (.gif) and PNG (.png) format
    Image pixel dimensions of at least 1000 or larger in either height or width preferred
    sRGB or CMYK color mode
  • File names must consist of the product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC) followed by a period and the appropriate file extension (Example: B000123456.jpg or 0237425673485.tif)

How many listing images can you upload to Amazon?

You can upload up to 9 images per product listing—1 main image and 8 supporting images. Amazon recommends using all 9 images to provide the customer with as much information as possible about your product. This helps overcome one of every online store’s disadvantages: the inability to present the product directly to the customer.

  • Main image: This is the first image that customers will see when they come across your listing. It should be high-quality and show the product in the best possible light.
  • Supporting images: These additional images can be used to show different angles of the product, provide close-ups, show the product in use, or display the product packaging. Customers will see these images when they click on the main image to enlarge it.

The order of your listing images is also important. Amazon will automatically show the image that is most relevant to the customer’s search first. So, make sure your best images are at the beginning of your image sequence.

The easiest way to upload product images to Amazon is through Seller Central. Simply log in to your account, go to the “Inventory” tab, and select the “add/edit products in bulk” link. From there, you can choose which product you want to add images to and click the “Edit Product Images” button.

This will bring up a window where you can upload your images. You can either drag and drop them into the window or click the “upload files” button to select them from your computer. Once you’ve selected all the images you want to upload, click the “save changes” button and they’ll be added to your listing.

image editing photoshop
  • Set a Priority Image

We couldn’t stress enough the importance of adding a variety of product photos to your page as this helps your potential customers make an informed buying decision. It gives them a detailed view of the item from all perspectives.

Your main image is the first image that customers will see when they come across your listing, so it’s important to make sure it’s high-quality and shows the product in the best possible light.

According to Leslie Termuhlen, media relations coordinator at Jungle Scout, it is best to “play with the angles” in the product photos you select. Show as many angles as possible and imagine which angles the buyer would most likely examine in person. Using a white background for your main image is also highly recommended to make the product pop and appear more professional.

To select a priority image, simply click on the image in Seller Central and select the “Main image” radio button. This will ensure that your chosen image is always the first one customers see when they come across your listing. Organize your images in a way you would think a customer would likely examine your products. It should be in a logical sequence that tells a story about the product.

To set the order of your images, go to the “Inventory” tab and select the “add/edit products in bulk” link. From there, you can choose which product you want to add images to and click the “Edit Product Images” button.

This will bring up a window where you can upload your images. Below the images, there is an “Image Priority” section. Here you can set the order in which you want the images to appear on the listing. Simply drag and drop the images into the correct sequence, or use the up and down arrows to rearrange them. Then, click the “save changes” button.

If you’re not happy with any of the images you’ve uploaded and want to start from scratch, you can always delete them and upload new ones. Just click on the image in Seller Central and select the “Delete” button.

  • Stick to Amazon’s Strict Guidelines for High-Quality Photos

Using high-quality images for the main and child SKU images are good for two things: getting more clicks and increasing sales. Amazon is aware of this and as a help for sellers, they’ve made it a part of their image guidelines.

  • Always use real photos – No illustrations, graphics, or logos Your image should show only the product that you’re selling. That means no additional props, gifs, text, or logo overlays.
  • Simplicity is the key – The focus should be on the product itself. No distracting backgrounds, etc.
  • Only use high-resolution images – Product pictures that are sharp and well-lit are highly preferred. Also, be aware of how the colors appear after being shot, as you don’t want any customers to be startled.
  • Be appropriate – As we’ve listed above, any offensive material are prohibited from Amazon. Anything risque should be removed from your images.

High-resolution pictures can also bring your items to life for customers who only see them through a screen. Some businesses may choose to shoot their own product photos, especially if they’re on a budget. However, there’s always value in hiring a professional product photographer or a product image editing service. They have the experience and expertise to make sure your photos are high quality and meet Amazon’s guidelines.


  • Don’t Forget to Add Information

You may also use Amazon product photos to share important information about your goods. If it’s a multi-pack, include a tiny icon overlay that reads 10-pack or whatever count it is. To draw attention to what makes your product stand out, call attention to dimensions and features.
Including helpful infographics or close-ups is a great way to do this. You can add an image of the back panel with all the product information, such as dimensions, weight, model number, and other specs. This will help the customer know exactly what they’re getting before they make a purchase.

Amazon focuses on three brand values: quality, service, and value. This is evident in their product image requirements, which are some of the strictest in the eCommerce industry. By following these guidelines, you can be sure that your images will meet Amazon’s high standards and help you create a successful listing.

product photography white background

How Product Photography Retouching Services Can Help You

While meeting Amazon’s product image requirements can be challenging, it is not impossible. Hiring a product photography retouching service can help you ensure that your images meet all the necessary guidelines. These services can help you with everything from removing background clutter to touching up product photos.

At Pixel by Hand, we offer a range of product photography retouching services to help you create the perfect listing. Our team of experts can help you with everything from removing background clutter to touching up product photos.

Our eCommerce product photo editing services include:

  • Background removal: We can remove backgrounds from your product photos to create a pure white background that meets Amazon’s requirements.
  • Image resizing: We can resize your images to meet Amazon’s image sizing requirements.
  • Image enhancement: We can improve the quality of your images by removing blurriness, graininess, or pixelation.
  • Product retouching: We can retouch your product photos to remove any imperfections or stray hairs.

Product photography is an essential part of selling on Amazon. By following these guidelines, you can be sure that your images meet Amazon’s high standards and help you create a successful listing.

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